Friday, March 27, 2009

Feckless arghes-san and the always-kun.

I think Kunnie and I are having a cold war.

Well, I'm not too sure.

But we've not said anything since I've got her off Thales (she was hogging onto him) and (honestly) unintentionally bumped that bulky granny chair against her limb. She really had no idea on what catwalk respect is, tsk.

I think she thinks I'm another "Samantha". Hell with that.

There's a game tomorrow morning. I am really doubting her attendence for it. She'll refuse to get up all over and I will disregard her behaviour on the whole.
Like totally ignore her, totally.

Aye. Aye. Argh.

This is really wimpy. But at least she doesn't read my blog.
All for the night, I would have preferred it more delicate.

I just hope that when God brings in the Sun again, He'll drag out that stinkiness in us as well.

I can bet you that tomorrow, I'll start talking to her again, as if nothing did happen.
Why you ask?
Because we always do things together; we always laugh like retards together; we always upset our Mommies (and put that smile back onto her face all over again) together; we always skit out our favourite commercials together (and with Brother Bear); we always laugh at the same jokes together.

Well, come to think of it, we do almost everything together.

Somehow, I know that if God can bring in that Sun we (dread) every morning (but I really love it now), I know he'll make us talk to each other again tomorrow morning.

Oh, you just wait.

Then it'll be us and just our talking cats and mute fish all over again.


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

50% oreo 50% rad blunter

This one was overdued on 23 March 2009, Monday.

We had blasting rad oreo cheesecake at the baker's.

It was 50% off the original bill (till month-end).
Mm-mm~~~ΣΣ( ゚Д゚|||) !!

That's the whole point, isn't it? Heh.

So there was a whole load of laughter as usual. We've got to sharpen out gags still. The blunter, the better the batter( ̄ω ̄)

So now a lil' bout today instead.
午後に 13:00
Was in School, well, at least today was wayyyy more productive than the other days. We did up the banner for the boooth, that I kinda dissed on lj but am proud of, heh. Don't get your expectations too high.

But really, the girls were fun to work with. We did a 4-player round of UNO on Syaza's iTouch (WHICH I AWFULLY WANT ONE NOW).

Goodness, that is my first most material thing that I've ever wanted since this year started, and I'm braggy bout it, tsk♪(´ε` )

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Radlooot and a stinky cookiee.

With the honor of my last caramelised cookie for the night on the line, today was one hellah spontany late evening(o‘∀‘o)

The morning was awfully cold. Sam was parading around the room, piecing mismatching outfits for Japan, heh.

午後に 14:53
I was almost casted right out of the whole class timetable selection again.
Tsk. Tsk.

But God forbade. He's awesome, really. I just had to wait a while more before I think of swearing, well, not that I actually do.

午後に 15:20
Got changed and left out as fast as I could (at least I did try to). There was Ms Mad and Hannah and we went off shopping at tf. Got radcheap loot.

Goodness, there was plenty/overload of laugher and gags. Hokay, I've officially finished up my last caramelised cookiee(ノ゜Д。)ノ But it should be alright, tomorrow's coming in less than an hour, tsk.

夕暮に 17:00
So there was this radspontany call from good ol' Val and we went ahead with a dinner plan♪(´ε` ) We gathered whoever we could (or at the very least we tried to) and got down to stinky chomps. Somehow, that's like always our only option, heh. Not that I not like it.

I'm beat now, there's School lined up on the coming 3 days. I'm passing the one on Thursday, there's something much better to attend too than School.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Words put together against the sky

Nothing much actually did happen in the past few days.
But really wanted to write something decent and pleasant.

So I guess I should just tell you something that I heard about the sky from way back, like the creation-of-earth kind of way back.

They said that in the past, humans could fly, the sky was not the limit, and neither was it limit itself.

It was like that, as mentioned above - until humans started to know fear.


It was as if they had an in-built Thesaurus with an antique collection of synonyms of one word in particular, fear.

They had so much fear in them that they built a fortress against the sky, only knowing how it is to hide under its blanket.

A year passed.
A decade, then a centuary.

Time passed and allowed there to be today - allowing there to be humans who had forgotten how they could have flown.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yell aye, and yell aye back again if yer heard er first aye!

Got it up and working\(゜∀\)(/∀゜)/

This was just on 18 March 2008, Wednesday.

午後に 14:40
Unfortunately, heh, An Hui got the un-updated time of 14:00 and we made her wait(・◇・)

But thankfully she loves us so much that she can't even be bothered with being angry about it, she's wonderful

We went straight to get our tickets. Was thinking of Which Mountain, but the timing couldn't fit, so we watched Desperaux instead.

I meant, Despereaux.
That was a nice try though. I just can't seem to spell it right everytime.

I liked the movie, although we were mainly surrounded by really little children, I thought it only made the place more comfy for me to slip into a child's (possibly) bedtime story.

It is a tale about courage, something that I wrote before this.


夕暮に 16:45
The movie was kinda shorter than I thought. The worst part about it was that, Wednesdays are the fasting days.

Bad idea, bad timing.

But at least they waited w me till 18:00 to break my blasted fast; hey guys, I did it all for you. Tsk. tsk. heh~~~ΣΣ( ゚Д゚|||) !!
☑Soft Denim Overall
☑タママ二等兵 Stuffed cotton

夕暮に 17:55
Then we walked down to Douby Ghaut and had mmmmmmm, ラメン. (Go figure it yourself.) Don't fret, I waited the 5 minutes for the serving, heh.
I absolutely love the spicy in it. Mm-mm~(ノ∇≦*) キャハッッッッ♪

We made rounds and did some window. There's this pretty washed-out denim that I tried from Fox.

Aye. Aye. Arhh.

Blasting beaut'ful day if yer ask me!

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Buy me the one with the red label that reads: WARNING, EXTRA x1000% COURAGE.

I realised that courage doesn't come in a fancy package with a manual on how to operate to the naked bit of it.

It is something that we build up; with what we do, what we think, what we decide, and even what we say.

They say that taking the first step is vital.
But I feel that taking the second is even more vital.
And the same goes for the third, fourth, fifth, and on and on.

In short, just keep doing it.

Somehow, you just got to give in, not give up to the circumstances that we're placed in.
Allowing yourself to sink into your environment, and I can bet you 5kg of air that things will start to be so natural for you; to speak up, to perform, to even look in that person's direction.

The measure of courage to one is never able to be placed on the same scale as others.
However, we do need to hear others complimenting us then maybe we can start to love ourselves.

I believe that the littlest things can be courageous as well, just as how Despereaux is.


Somehow, I got to put this in a more earthling-normal way before anyone can understand me.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Good rain, Goldilocks.

Today, Goldilocks waved at me.
I saw her from the window, she looked back and greeted me with a smile. Then she gradually lifted her hand and gestured;
just as I started out home again.

It was sweet, and it reminded me of this over-extensive-paragraph-chunky answer that I wrote for one of my last-question-type of question in my Chinese workbook (you should get what I mean here).
I'll find it the next time round.

I have been awful about the prep work for School, slamming Hell's color on it on lj.
Aye. Aye. Hah(`┏┓´)ノ

And I'm not taking any of those back at all. Period.
Never hesitate to make your dreams come true.
Even if at times, it seems like god may hate us.
We can still love him.

I'm not going to put it out who wrote that.
Don't worry, it's not myself~~~ΣΣ( ゚Д゚|||) !!

But that was something that I read today that I want to remember when I wake up on the morrow.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't spit the ides and vamps in the milk.

Go figure you fiddletssticken ides!

I always like a little Foxtrot on my Evenings, although Pizza sounds like a bette/// We'll stop it right there( ̄▽ ̄)

I'm settling with the only Milk and Oreo for now\(゜∀\)(/∀゜)/

I'm missing Popeyes already. Sam says those biscuits are scones. I want to eat scones now. Tea Party's would be the only preference.

Aye. Aye. Argh. ******.

VAMPS got their single out now. They did a cover of Shampoo's Trouble. Ah, the rock is tasty.

Mm-mm, awesome bunch of music nuts~(ノ∇≦*) キャハッッッッ♪

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good wee Morning, Dearly Beloved me.


Mommies was at home today. And she made an awesome Breakfast.

午後に 12:00
The rain fell then.
I was in School coloring Gramophones and cutting out masks.


My eyes were awfully tired. Productive or not, I thought it was terribly mundane. So we hit the doorknob and left at 14:15.

I got my hair-cut that afternoon.

(That was true contentment.)

I've got 2 inches snipped off.
"Helll noooooh!" cried the hillybilly.

Snipping inches off seems to be a tabooo for her.

But Hellllah Yeah, 2 inches off♪(´ε` )
And I've trimmed off the front so that it can take its time to grow till School starts (all over again).

午後に 14:30
We bought our Luncheon/Dinner up to Leonard's place. We were early, really\(゜∀\)(/∀゜)/ And it was good that we were.

I feel more powered now.
Mm, I don't exactly want to put it out here.
But yes,

I want to do more now(`┏┓´)ノ

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Droughty Phonon


I see a rad tree now.

Now, there's nothing that I can say
Because I'm in charge of rainy days

Not a streak of gray on the canvas.

Aye, fine.
I cheated on the part that ← was recorded on the 6th this month. You can even heard the distant birds if you tune it wayyyy upヾ(。・ω・。)ノ
But the rain after that has made it so slippery to be up anytime before until today.

Today was utterly dry. But the sun painted a pretty veiled across the cement.

I've just smashed the whole of the Whimps into Thales. It's good when they have a smaller scope(´∀`)

Somehow, I still can't get wholly for American noise.

夕暮に 17:00
Seems like a good time to hit the pavements\(゜∀\)(/∀゜)/

That was that of contentment♪(´ε` )

☑ Glasses with Sarah
☐ (We postponed the Luncheon part till approx. 1 week later)

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shoot the Moon, and I'll sleep.

It seems like the house is asleep now.


But the Moon is such a performer.
Go see it now, it is utterly beautiful.

Today, the Moon was stolen beneath the clouds. But I could still find it, it's glory stained the dark clouds and was rusted silver.

Today has been a happy and tired day.
We went to places that we don't frequent daily.

And oh, the rain didn't fall today. We were thankful. The weather was awfully hot.
We got dessert in Chinatown and Chicken Rice Ball for dinner. Mm-mm( ̄ω ̄)

So at the end of the day,
☑ Chinatown and Theives' Marketヾ(。・ω・。)ノ
☐ Luncheon and Glasses with Sarah (We had it postponed)


I have a Thomas Edison plan for my ashes when I pass off.

And I'm still up with my foundation to steal the moon + get a bino-camera to capture accurate photographs of the moon.

I'll get it right this time round.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

3 thumbs up for the rain.



The Day has been barnacally cold.

朝に 09:35
The morning was early, was in School for baoc preparations.
You should have heard how much I was contemplating on whether to attend the meeting or not.

I thought that was the worst decision I've made today. Mmm, it went pretty well so yep, I've striked it off for the being the worst.

Then the rain continued all the way through the noon. We were caught in the midst of the rain (but not drenched). But it smelt refreshing to walk under an umbrella.

Mm-mm. A hot bath.
Being at home feels the best when it rainsヾ(。・ω・。)ノ

But I'm hungry now.
I need Milk and Oreo, please.

I've made plans for the week.
The morrow's Luncheon is for Sarah
Then I should be meeting another bunch after that, but I've not heard from them yet.

Ah wells.
I hope they remembered(・◇・)

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Not without a fight, M. Rain!"

That little packet there is a (titanic) heap of delicious cookies.
Cranberry, so I assume them to be healthy(´∀`)

It was rainingraining the whole day through, but I managed to head out with beloved hillybilly and madamooo. Hah, don't try to keep me at home, M. Rain!
They have many variations to their names(/・◇・)/

We took the train down to town. The only thing that I have on my checklist was that MUJI Monthly/Weekly Planner that I have (finally) made up my mind on settling with for the year.

We took our walk down and ate at every pause. Hillybilly bought this really lovely dress. And I was (unintentionally) hunting for my Nancy Drew Cardigan, which is still on my list(`┏┓´)ノ

Our last activity was seat-hunting. Hilly was frustrated and ran for the last one we saw, and Hell yeah, we got it! Rested our butts, thought of what to take-away then left the lots, headed to get my take-away (double cheese), straight to the bustop and stood through the journay - until pretty much at the last where we found ourselves seats.

"Hellah noooooo", said the billy goat.

I like the sound of that, heh.

So at the end of the day, ☑ MUJI Monthly/Weekly Plannerヾ(。・ω・。)ノ

That's about it.

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Even my Grandpapa is praying with me.


It was nice knowing that ol' man( ̄ω ̄)

He was an uncle, a brother, and friend to my Grandpapa.

It was awful to hear about his end.

But it was nice knowing that there is Jesus(´∀`)

He was alone when he went, I don't if he knew about Jesus though. That's why if you see this, please pray with me for mercy on his soul.

Just a short, honest whisper will do.

In this rain, his family takes the last walk with him, then he'll be (intentionally) slothfully proceeding through at the last glance and then with the swallow of the fumes, he is hurriedly incinerated.

It was raining too, when we sent off Grandpapa.

That's why I am thankful for the rain that fell today.

"Adeus, Ol' man!"

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Umbrellas up, and rain is left un-checked.

I'm wondering if I should keep my photographs black & white.
Somehow, they fit things here.

Aye, we'll pass over with that awful load of silence\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/

Today has been a lovely Monday, the second day of my bloody period. I've changed out of 3 night dresses since yesterday.

Blasting fiddlesticks! (There was not much use doing the blockquote, but I like it anyhow)

But I'm over it alreadyヾ( ´ー`)

T'was out with Asou right after her lessons.
We took the train down to Beloved Liang Court. Browsed through in Kinokuniya, got our junkys and headed down for our long-awaited udon!

We both had curry - mine's wafu and kunnie's porky.

After tha ball, we headed down to Daiso at Douby Ghaut, 2nd worst decision I've made today. The worst was to leave the house late today~( ̄▽ ̄~)

People. People. People.
Not just any kind of People.

Mindless Brush-passer People(ノ◎o◎)ノ(ノ゜O゜)ノ(ノ◎o◎)ノ(ノ゜O゜)ノ
I hate People more than ever now.

We've got our loot and made off quick. Trusty Sah/ipod did the end-day beautifully.
I've filled it up with more songs already, but I stripped most of the english numbers out just to make space for Plastic Tree(´∀`)

Ah wells, I might just ********** againヾ(。・ω・。)ノ

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wake the rain after it falls,

The sky today is the sky that I love.
It is beautiful and dark.

Just like how the heavy rain had colored it, just a while ago.

Like pastel colors washed again the large canvas.

At where the earth and the sky meets, there was mere light.

Perfect for a wake, isn't it?
